About our Foundation

Both Gladys “Stephanie” and Mildred Tomiak were lifelong residents of Flushing, New York, and spent their careers in service at the United Nations in Manhattan. They established the private Tomiak Foundation in 2016 with the purpose of creating a more ethical society by permanently improving the treatment and living conditions of vulnerable people and populations.

Upon the Foundation’s establishment, Stephanie and Mildred began awarding grants to non-profits that provided support services to fellow retirees in their home community. However, as need knows no boundaries, the Foundation’s grantmaking soon after extended to humanitarian activities in other countries.

The Foundation’s grantmaking has focused on non-profit activity in the United States and communities abroad with which the Tomiak family is connected — through family lineage, kinship, friendship or all of the above. Our areas of focus have included ethical treatment for orphans, elderly people, veterans and disadvantaged minority homeowners. As we are all one family, every individual or organization who applies for a grant through the Tomiak Foundation receives full and fair consideration.

Mildred passed away in 2017 and Gladys followed her in 2020, but the foundation’s work continues. By funding specific programs and projects run by highly reputable 501c3 non-profit corporations, we believe we are still keeping the sisters’ dream alive today.

Pictured are Elana Koenig with childhood cancer patient Daniz. Daniz is one of the patients the Koenig Childhood Cancer Foundation is helping. The sign she and Elana are holding is to thank the Tomiak Foundation, one of the KCCF’s biggest supporters. The Tomiak Foundation continues to work extensively with this amazing foundation through grant funding and personal involvement.

Making a Difference

The Foundation is relatively new and interested in expanding its grantmaking activities to friends new and old who are committed to specific, measurable solutions for improved civic and cultural environments; improved health, sanitation and medical treatment for people of all ages; and providing relief to communities affected by political and social instability around the world.

We give thanks to our non-profit partners who work incredibly hard, often on a volunteer basis, to serve the retiree communities of New York and Florida, and in communities located around the globe. We rejoice in what they have been able to accomplish through our grants.